The High Life

I’ll just come straight out with it. I live vicariously through this other blog about a mother and her Starwars obsessed son, Bob, and it seriously cracks me up. I don’t mean like most things where it’s funny and I might smile out loud. I mean I have to actually control myself from laughing at my computer screen. Jared—man-in-the-footie-pajamas, J-Rod, honey bunches of oats, homeskillet—would be glad to tell you that this is quite the feat. He seems to believe I have no sense of humor. However, I have him and a massive family that more than make up for it. So between that and my love for the previously mentioned blog comes my drive to archive these ridiculous things for when I am old or senile, whichever strikes first.

What better way to start than with crazy straws, footie pajamas and High Life.

Jared in all his stunning
 footie-pajama-wearing glory.